Thursday, March 7, 2013

Reflections of a Tetsu

Note- I make the assumption that Avaro is the brother of Greedo the Elder but it is unknown in cannon. It is set just after the death of Greedo by Han Solo. 

Avaro finished up a meeting with a couple of Corellians looking for a job. He knew who they were, they also applied at many of the other Casinos that he had partnerships in. They were cheats and have stolen much credits from less intelligent Casinos in Equator City. He only allowed them to get this far to meet them first hand before they are sent home via airlock. They made the same mistake as many before them, to underestimate him, his lisp in Basic that he thought of more as an advantage rather than a disability comes in handy. They will learn but for now, let them feel a small taste of victory before they taste the coldness of space.

Within a few moments, the Comm system on his desk beeped. It was his informant on Tatooine, Mos Eisley to be precise. After a few moments, Avaro shut off the Comm and swiveled his chair to look out at the cityscape. He folded his sucker tipped hands over his girth that was the result of greasy food and a laid back lifestyle. The news was not surprising but it was also not welcomed. Another Tetsu dead by the workings of Navik's hunters. Though the Tetsu in question being his dimwitted nephew Greedo made it less than a tragedy.

Avaro thought back to his brother, Greedo the Elder. An honorable bounty hunter that refused to participate in the Clan Gladiatorial events,  and he kept his modesty despite being a celebrated hunter and a rival to Navik. By the time of of his brother's death at the hands of Navik's thugs, Avaro was already setting himself up as Black Sun's operative though not as successful as he is now. His brother had taught him modesty, well as much modesty that is allowed in this profession anyway.

Greedo his nephew on the other hand, though admirable his reasons were, was not equipped with the smarts to follow in his father's footsteps. Avaro always thought it a shame, perhaps he could have shown Greedo the ropes of the business as well as pass on some of his father's qualities but Greedo failed on many occasions to pull off simple jobs. Either allowing himself to be traced or like now the fault that got him killed. Greedo trusted someone too much. First rule of the fringe type business, never trust anyone, especially when your a member of a Clan that has a death mark on it. Avaro is only safe, due to his Black Sun connections but that is it. Avaro got lucky that Navik is afraid of Black Sun's wrath. Greedo let his personal grudge of Solo impair his judgement. Avaro had kept an eye on his nephew, a very close eye since his mother, Neela had contacted him to try to get under his protection. He was about to grant the protection but Greedo's idiocy prevented that. It wasn't Navik at work that killed the Tetsus at Level 88 but Greedo himself unaware of how merciless the Empire can be.

Greedo's actions only proved what Avaro had come to believe a long time ago. Information was key, ignorance was the fault and the end of many. With the right information one can make or break in this galaxy. Many came to him for information, those that he felt worthy enough to receive it left with a most powerful weapon. Before weapons or plans are made there is information without it then nothing would work or prosper. Ignorance as his nephew has shown multiple times costs people their lives regardless if innocent or not. Ignorance is for the fools and for fools alone. Though Avaro has noticed that even those who should know better have shown ignorance. Avaro gives a sigh as an information broker, he has come to hate ignorance and naiveness. It is a shame that it comes from one of his own. He can't help but wonder what Navik's response was after the Tetsu massacre at Level 88 caused by one of their own. Avaro didn't want to think about it and decided that it was enough pondering over such things. He was a survivor, if only by connections but a survivor nonetheless.

Another call from his intercom came through, it was one of his thugs, and the problem of the Corellians were taken care of. Information was the key all right and Avaro would use it to his advantage.  

Saturday, August 11, 2012

Profiles- Avaro Sookcool

Avaro Sookcool, the owner of the Flip of The Credit Casino in Equator City on Rodia. He was an obese male Rodian that spoke basic but with a lisp. He first appeared in "Shadows of The Empire" when Princess Leia needed some Black Sun ties to help track down the frozen in carbonite Han Solo, Lando suggested that Leia visit Avaro.

Despite the fact that Greedo was his nephew, Avaro held no grudge against Han Solo stating that his nephew wasn't very bright. Avaro himself was a Black Sun underling that was not as ambitious as his fellow operatives. His lisp might fool people into thinking that he was dumber than he looks but it would be unwise to underestimate him since he is quite intelligent. He is the main coordinator of most of Black Sun's operations on planet. While he reports directly to Vigo Clezo, he also has an open channel to Crime Lord Xizor as well. His Casino while modest by Rodia's standards, is a major part of Black Sun's money laundering operation on planet.

Avaro's dealings unlike most of his colleagues required public relations skills with those that would like to deal with Black Sun. Avaro was skilled in both diplomacy and evasion. He comes off as pleasant and open but he is a shrewd businessman knowing the importance of information.

Avaro's presence on Rodia is outstanding not just cause of his influence but the fact that he is from Clan Tetsu. A Clan that Navik the Red nearly wiped out all together. Avaro's protection from Navik stems from his Black Sun affiliation. Navik was afraid of upsetting the criminal organization so he didn't dare touch Avaro.

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

On My Wishlist- The Greedo Bust

The Life Size Greedo Bust from Sideshow Collectibles is definitely on my wishlist. It's price comes to $599 and with the amount of work that has been put into it, it's worth every penny.

I would love to get this bust since it was the character of Greedo that first got me interested in Rodians in the first place.

For more info and great pics of the Greedo Bust visit- . The actual site for it is- Unfortunately though it is Sold Out.

Here is another pic of the amazing bust

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Rodia- The Rodian Homeworld

The Rodian Homeworld of Rodia is a lush jungle world in the Tyrius system in the Outer Rim in the Savareen Sector. The planet had 4 moons in orbit, 2 of them Eiska and Soomana were in fact asteroids that was captured by Rodia's orbital pull. The 2 true moons of Rodia were Enak and Yasooska.

Rodia's climate was hot and humid mostly due to the planet's rainforests. The terrain also consisted of not only rainforests but also swamps, jungles, urban areas, and oceans. The Rodians would build their cities on waterways and protect them with bubble domes to keep out the heat. 

There are 2 main continents by the names of Betu and Encheeko. The known large body of water was known as the Wesessa Sea in which the Islands of An'yettu was located. There are 2 major cities that Rodia called their capital. 

The first capital was Equator City. As the name says, it is a city located at Rodia's Equator. It was home to a gambling complex that was controlled by cartel's dedicated to money laundering to the criminal organization, Black Sun. Flip of A Coin Casino was also located in Equator City. A cultural part of the city was the famed Concert Hall "Holosseum".

The second and current Capital City is Iskaayuma. After Navik the Red took power as Grand Protector, he moved the capital from Equator City to Iskaayuma, the seat of his clan, the Chattza. The city was home to the Rodian weapons factory, Rodmark Weapons Plant.

There are also other major cities- Chekkoo Enclave, Matza, Samana, and Yusk. Rodia's main exports included Bounty Hunters, Exotic Animals, and Weaponry. It's imports consisted of Agricultural goods, Foodstuffs, and Luxury goods.

Other than the Rodians, Rodia was host to a diverse population of creatures and fauna. The native plant life mostly became endangered or have been wiped out by the growing Rodian population by greater technology.

Among the native creatures of Rodia-

 The Rodian Karstag, a predator that called the swamps and damp forests, it's home. Not only the big incisors on the front of its mouth that made this animal a very dangerous one to deal but also the large spikes at the end of its clubbed tail. While native to Rodia, the Karstag was hunted on the Planet of Vilhon at the annual Vor-cal hunt and served up at the feast afterwards with algae-bread stuffing.

The Newoogall, an arachnid creature with multiple legs had been spotted many times with dripping pinchers. It's hunting technique was to crawl on cavern ceilings and drop down on it's prey in a surprise attack.

The Ghest, probably the most influential of the native species of Rodia. They were large Reptilian creatures that lived in the swamps. Before the Rodians had become technologically advanced the Ghests would be known to decimate entire villages. Many Rodians had become famous as Ghestslayers at the time. The Ghest had become an important part in Rodian Mythology as a symbol of death and destruction.

The Kwazel Maw as seen in the Animated Series of The Clone Wars Season One Episode 8 "Bombard Jedi" is a large slug like creature native to the oceans of Rodia. It is similar to the Dagobah Swamp Slugs but much larger in size and with bio-luminescent markings. They are known to be clumsy swimmers and can mostly be found to be clinging to undersea canyon walls. Their skin is well protected from blaster bolts.

The Vagh Rodiek became a native species after the Yuuzhan Vong War. It was created by Yuuzhan Vong Shaper Caste. The Vong had decimated Rodia and then turned their attention to the Rodian populace. Master Shaper Taug Molou was the one that proposed to use the Rodian population as warbeasts. With approval, Taug started to reshape the Rodians at a cellular level and reshaping them into four legged crablike creatures with bone scythes for legs and the former head spines turned into sharp quills. The Vagh Rodeik played a hand in the destructive ground battles of Nal Hutta.

I'll save the history for another post but I wanted to give at least a summary of the Rodian homeworld of Rodia. If you would like more information then please go to the Wookieepedia page for Rodia at- .

Monday, August 6, 2012

Welcome to The Rodian Corner Cantina!

Welcome to The Rodian Corner Cantina! A blog all about the Star Wars species Rodians. First off, I will get the legal stuff out of the way. This blog is not official Lucasfilm nor does it make any profits. I don't care much for AdSense so no profit of any kind is made from the blog. 

With that out of the way, this blog's purpose is to explore the different aspects of the Rodians. I will post about their Homeworld of Rodia, their culture, and their history. I will also post many biographies of many of the famous members of the Rodian species. 

I will also talk about new or upcoming appearances of Rodians in Star Wars universe. As well as interesting videos and sites that I find around the internet.

I hope you enjoy your time at The Rodian Corner Cantina!